Monday, 28 March 2011

Why gold will always be an amazing investment

Gold has been worshipped for centuries due to the fact that as well as being very beautiful to look at, it is an incredibly rare and hidden substance.

Gold has been seen as a worthwhile investment for over 5,000 years. There are many stories in the bible regarding the use of gold as a currency or as a sacred offering to God.

Here are a few reasons why it is always a fantastic idea to invest in gold, no matter where you live, no matter what the economy dictates and no matter what the gold price is at that particular time.

• It cannot be made – Yes, gold cannot be made or created in any way. It is simply found, like the lost treasures of so many legends and adventure stories.

• The value of gold will take you through the toughest economic crisis – A bold statement, but one that is very true indeed. Studies show that the price of gold rises when there is a war or mass political upheaval. This is because people no longer trust currency to retain its value. Gold however, retains is value because of its scarcity and becomes a much coveted thing. This shoots prices up and you’ll be able to sell gold for much more.

• Gold is so rare: No matter what horrors might have emerged from the current global financial crisis, no one is suddenly going to announce that gold is as commonplace as paper. Because it’s so rare, people will always want it; its value will remain constant even if there are small fluctuations. Put simply, gold is something that everyone wants.

For more information on the price of gold and scrap gold or how to sell gold for cash, visit the rest of our site. are always happy to help!

Monday, 21 March 2011

Where to Look for Hidden Gold

Adventure stories dating back decades and even centuries have depicted the search for gold, one of the most precious metals in existence. Gold, even scrap gold has been held up as the answer to life’s problems, mythologized in ancient cultures and even worshipped.

Even Enid Blyton’s first Famous Five book had the Five looking for gold that had been hidden in an old castle in Devon for centuries. The thrilling nature of this book and the happy ending is evidence that even in the 20th century, a hundred years after the California gold rush, people were still fascinated by gold and what it could do to their lives.

This post will discuss hidden gold and places to find it! Who knows, you might change your life.

• Eagle (Alaska) – This was a key place in the gold rush of the nineteenth century, there are still legends that say there is lots of buried gold under the now abandoned dwellings there.

• Stevenston – This Scottish town could be the unlikely hiding place of yet more gold. There are many local legends that a ship from the Spanish Armada was lured here and looted – and that the ship was carrying ingots of Spanish gold. This gold is said to have been buried in a safe place and never seen since.

• Oklahoma – Three Forks in Oklahoma has long been the subject of excited whispers and rumours, this is because it was a large trading post in the early nineteenth century. Rumours still exist of a hidden cache of gold buried by hunted outlaws at the dead of night.

There are many legends around the world depicting lost treasures. However you can find treasures in your own home. Anyone looking to sell gold they find in their homes will get the best price for gold here at!

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Don’t forget; We don’t JUST buy gold

There is a common misconception that we at only buy gold coins, ingots and necklaces and don’t branch out from these. However, as well as your usual items like gold rings, chains, pendants and other scrap gold items, we also buy lots of different gold artefacts and treasures.

We have a diverse customer base and like to reflect that in the items we accept. You would be very surprised at the items that have been sent to us in the past! Customers who like to sell gold for cash have been very surprised and happy to find that we are very flexible with regards to what they can send in to us.

You may not know that we buy gold:

• Brooches – we accept your beautiful brooches even if they are rusty, broken or unfashionable. However, we do ask that our customers kindly remove any stones.

• Jewellery that is broken or tangled – we will happily accept items that are broken, tangled, rusty or tarnished.

• Antique watches – feel free to send in your antique watches to us. We’ll happily buy them from you and give you a great price.

• Cigarette lighters – we have received a few of these beautiful items in the post.

• Cigarette cases: Gold and silver cigarette cases were the height of fashion decades ago and there are still some in use today. However they are also likely to be languishing in a cabinet or attic. Dig yours out and send it in, we will be happy to give you an excellent price.

• Teeth! – If you are due to have your gold teeth or crowns replaced, be sure to ask the dentist to give you the tooth or crown back. We’ll buy them from you.

Don’t forget that we also buy diamonds and gemstones. It doesn’t matter if they are old and past their best, we will happily buy them from you.

To find out more about, how to sell gold and the wide range of things we buy, please visit the rest of the site.

We are well respected gold buyers that give customers the best price for gold.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Valentine's Day - the Perfect Time for a Sentimental Clear Out

Hope you had a happy Valentine's Day. It's one of those dates, isn't it, when you review your life, because either you have an on-going relationship (and you ponder its health) or you wonder why you don't!

For that reason, apparently, it's at this time of year when there are a lot of break-ups. And, the ologists tell us, one of the best ways to have closure is to get rid of the things that remind you of your ex.

Perhaps in better times, you would hang onto the jewellery your partner gave you - and just fling it into a drawer and forget it. But nowadays, who can afford to do that? Get closure, I say, and get some money too! Rid yourself of the bad memories and earn yourself a treat. Nowadays its easy with Post Gold For Cash - you can just pop it in an envelope and wait for the phone call from Postgoldforcash with a cash offer for your scrap gold.

I was interviewing a life coach on my radio programme who said that men are more likely than women to get rid of old gifts and bits and pieces that used to have sentimental value. They're more inclined to sell their reminders of ex-girlfriends than women are. Are ladies just too soft? Perhaps we women prefer to keep hold of romantic mementos, instead of thinking how to convert them to cash. Not me. I reckon it could be immensely therapeutic to get rid of reminders from a former partner, instead of holding on to them in hope that you may eventually get back together. So come one girls, wise up.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Addictive online game could net players £250

Bosses beware! Wiling away time on the internet just reached a new and exciting level.

We are extremely pleased to be launching their brand new highly addictive “Gold Rush” game. This light-hearted and eye-catching game could net customers and visitors to the site £250 while being a thrilling, exhilarating race against the clock!

“Gold Rush” enables customers to search for gold in a river using a gold sifting pan. The aim is to find and bank as much gold as possible, while quickly throwing away any rocks found in the pan.

The higher the gold haul, the higher the score the player receives. However, the player must beware of the dastardly rocks; discarding these will take up valuable time.

The player only has one minute to collect as much gold as physically possible, so being quick off the mark is vital.

“Gold Rush” is hugely addictive and will give players hours of fun as they try to get the highest possible score in one minute. As well as this, the game is one hundred percent FREE. It can be found at

We absolutely love this game and have massive confidence in its addictive appeal, we have incentivised it even more by saying that the person who gets the highest score by 30th April 2011 will win £250!

How to play the game: click on a floating pan, use the left and right arrows on the keyboard to shake the pan out and search for that lucrative gold, and hit the down arrow to keep any gold you find. If you find rocks, hit the up button to discard them.

Good luck!

PostGoldForCash cannot be held in any way responsible for the loss of working hours caused by the sheer awesomeness of “Gold Rush”.

To find out more about selling gold and how increased gold prices can benefit you, visit the PostGoldForCash website today!

Selling gold to PostGoldForCash couldn’t be more convenient, all you have to do is request a free gold selling pack from the website, send your gold in and wait for the offer. Sending gold in is free and PostGoldForCash will then contact you with an offer. In the highly unlikely event you are unhappy with the offer; PostGoldForCash will send the gold back to you completely free of charge